Female Archetypes – Mother Nature and the Feminine Imperative

One of the first things that you need to understand when it comes to understanding women is the concept of archetypes. Archetypes are the primary patterns that we all have within us, and through our various experiences and circumstances that we have developed. Women are no different, and each of us has developed several archetypes through the course of our lives. Each one of these archetypes helps us understand ourselves and what our particular situation is all about. In this article you will be introduced to four archetypes that every woman should know about.

The mother archetype is one of the most important archetypes for any woman to understand. After all, we all grew up watching mother and grandmother act out their various roles in our lives. We all had favorite TV shows where the mother was a strong, loving, protective force, doing everything in her power to raise children, caring for those that didn’t know her or love her. Many women see themselves as having these strong, protective traits, and they want to be viewed as such a role model. As a result, they seek out role models that have these same traits and try to imitate them in their own life.

There are many ways that the mother archetype can manifest itself in a woman’s life. Often times, the archetypes associated with the mother will include that she is a loving and protective mother. Sometimes this is shown through actions, and sometimes through words. If a woman has been neglected by her father, or her mother has been abusive, this can have an effect on her self-esteem. She may see her only as a mother, but secretly she feels she is much more than that.

Another way that the mother archetype can manifest itself is through her sexual role. Most women have one defining moment in their lives where they are able to define themselves as being sexually appealing to men. It could be during a baby shower, a high school party, a date with a man that she just doesn’t remember, or even after years of marriage and children. When that happens, it can leave an impression on a young woman that she wants to be that attractive person to her husband and others.

Another way that the mother archetype may manifest itself in a woman is through her nurturing nature. This can be through her family and home, or maybe in the social settings that she spends most of her time in. Maybe, she is a teacher, lawyer, doctor, or businesswoman. In any case, the fact that she is there for her children, helping them grow and become the person that they are supposed to be. If that means giving them a few lessons in how to be better versions of themselves, so be it. The point is that she puts her heart into all of her endeavors and is never willing to let go of the opportunity to provide her children with that love and stability.

Perhaps the most commonly known archetypes associated with the mother archetype are those that revolve around domestic and childcare duties. These archetypes often come together in the mother/child relationship. This can include things like taking care of children during pregnancy or when they are born, or bringing up children after they have been born. Some mothers may even take on more than one of these domestic or childcare roles at once, assuming certain characteristics to fill each of those roles.

The mother archetype can also indicate women who assume the traditional mother role, especially in some societies. In many cultures, it is the man who brings up the children while the woman cares for the family and the home, sometimes taking on a more traditionalist role as well. In these archetypes, the mother archetype can act as the alternative to traditional wifehood, fulfilling the needs of her family and looking after its members. She can also show up to various functions and parties as a kind of representative of the family, looking very much like the traditional wife.

These archetypes are not limited to, being women, however. Every person has a role to play in the family, and in any society, every social setting, and in every household, each and every person is a mother. Every time we see a mother doing something, we may be thinking about the basic instinct that made her what she is today… giving birth, bringing up children, caring for the home and community, and standing up for what’s right.