One of the best relationships in life is that between an assertive communicator and a person they are communicating with. An assertive communication mode helps accomplish the tasks wanted to be done by both parties. However, it goes much further than this: Being assertive also shows respect for others and themselves. Those who communicate assertively also send the very message they think about themselves: that they are confident, capable, and in control of their own lives.
If you feel your interactions with other people involve some passive-aggressive behaviors, then you may get into an assertive communication mode more quickly. The idea here is to be clear and direct, while still being respectful. In short, you’re not declaring yourself to be right or wrong; just stating your point clearly and forcefully. You may also want to consider being assertive at work, since you will often deal with difficult customers on a daily basis.
There are many ways to practice assertiveness, including assertive communication with those you interact with on a daily basis. If you tend to argue with someone over something, then you should start by showing them that you are willing to listen. Simply saying, “I’m sorry,” “I misunderstood what you were implying” or “I didn’t mean to snap at you” is enough. Don’t take it further by starting name-calling or screaming at them. If they apologize and you think they’ve changed, then that’s a good sign that you can let them know that you were correct in your interpretation of their actions.
Another way to use assertive communication is to acknowledge the other party’s right to their opinion and view, as well as the right to be wrong. This shows them that you respect their feelings and that you don’t take things personally. It enables us to be more assertive because we know that we have a better understanding of the situation and that we can still talk things out in a polite manner – without threatening or insulting our partner.
In order to use assertive communication styles appropriately, you first need to feel comfortable speaking to them, and then feel frustrated when you don’t get the results you desire. This feeling of frustration can lead you to lash out at the person who’s causing you stress, or even to snap at them in anger. All of these actions are negative and have the potential to make the situation worse. Instead, feel more confident and positive when communicating with people, and use more constructive communication styles. You’ll also find that you won’t get mad as often, and that things will get done a lot more smoothly.
It’s also important that you learn how to listen properly when you’re talking to someone. A lot of people tend to rush through sentences, and are too quick to interrupt people who they think are talking. When you know how to listen correctly, assertiveness enables us not only to communicate effectively, but also to help others. If you want to free yourself from unwanted demands from people around you, make sure that you are always listening to them, and that you know how to communicate assertively in such situations. After that, you can smile and carry on – without fighting with anyone. This way, you’ll feel better and be happier!