How to Write Female Archetypes That Captivate Your Readers

The female archetypes offer deeper insight into your primitive instinctual behaviour. As with a horoscope, they offer a clear sense of self and a solid cognitive understanding of your own inner self. However, your unconscious mind is always at play when you keep repetition in your life. Repeatedly you come face to face with situations that call for strong self-reflection and the search for psychic insight. The energy that is invested in this reflection can sometimes become overwhelming and destructive.

One of the most common archetypes for women is that of the mother archetype. Mother archetypes are maternal love givers. They are caring and protective but also immensely proud of their offspring and what they are learning in their role as a mother. Often these archetypes can also represent qualities such as maternal instinct, motherly love and respect, all of which can lead to a desire to control and be in charge of one’s own life. As a result of this you may find yourself nurturing your daughter, or son’s, feelings, rather than allow them to go too far and be smothered.

Another common female archetype is that of the witch. Usually portrayed in fantasy roles, the witch can represent the control over one’s destiny, the power of magic and the potential for unlimited power. She can also represent the dark side of human nature and the potential for wickedness and corruption. Whether depicted as a bad witch, or a good witch, the witch archetype can have a negative and positive outcome in your psychic readings.

The strong female characters archetypes can also have a negative impact on your readings. These archetypes can be in the form of depression, or loss of a loved one. They can also represent the maternal or nurturing personality. Strong female characters can also represent the characteristics of patience, persistence, and Stoicism. In a way, these traits can also represent the need to learn from your past mistakes and move forward with an optimistic yet realistic outlook on life. Some of these strong female characters would also be good at taking care of themselves and at controlling their emotions, but not so good at relating to others.

Next on our list of archetypes for your reading is the submissive female. The submissive female can have many different self-image models. She may embody the shy and retiring type, or she could be slightly domineering and bold. As with the strong archetypes, the submissive female can be either nurturing and caring, or she could be hard and independent. Some good strong female characters would be Mother hen, the nurse, or a grandmother.

The third archetypal female is the independent and bold. These types of women would be great leaders, but they would also want to have some flair in their personality, so that they are not easily bullied or pushed around. They would usually be very powerful and ambitious, but they have a lot of self-confidence that comes from being able to think on her own. This makes them great characters for a movie or a television show where there must be someone on the team who wants to be the leader, or even for a character in a novel where the main character has a lot of trouble making decisions on her own.

The fourth archetypal female is the mysterious and sometimes misunderstood. These strong, silent types would be great as a mystery or suspense writer. You want your readers to wonder what’s going on, or want to know how a character is really thinking. These archetypes can also be used to portray a bit of the mental illness of the character, such as bipolar.

The final two archetypes on our list are the friendly and playful. These types of female characters would be great in games and fun stories where there are other strong, silent types or in stories about children or teenagers. They are also good characters for love stories and children books. Female characters like these are usually very strong in their emotions, so it’s important to give them enough strength and complexity to keep the reader engaged.