Two personality traits that stand out when comparing narcissists with self-esteem are disregard for the norms of society, and an inflated sense of their own importance. It seems like the only trait they have in common is a lack of caring about other people’s feelings. In narcissistic families, children frequently experience abandonment, emotional abuse, and physical abuse at the hands of the parents. In these environments, the self-esteem is so inflated that the children feel incapable of ever achieving a life of normality with others.
The concept of “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” is currently recognized by the American Psychological Association as well as the American Psychiatric Association. By far, it is the social dominance personality trait that is associated with narcissism. People with social dominance disorders do not feel that they need to respect the rights of others, and they often abuse them. They have a deep need for recognition and approval, and this can translate into a need to control others, as well as using manipulative and controlling behaviors to gain that power.
According to numerous psychological assessment tools, narcissists have a low sense of self-worth, but high self-evaluation. Those who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder do not have a sense of worth as individuals. Consequently, they have no respect for others, and they view those with lower self-worth as inferior and their own emotions and ideas as pertaining to lower human status. In narcissistic families, the children are constantly made to feel inferior and worthless. This is the result of low self-esteem, and the solution to such children is to intensify that lack of self-esteem through social manipulation and the adoption of social dominance behavior.
In contrast, those who suffer from a social network that values and supports them, have higher self-esteem. The narcissist’s personality traits of envious self-love, disregard for others feelings and ideas, and lack of empathy are not present in these people. They do not love themselves or others, and look upon themselves as superior. These people value the opinions of others above all other aspects of their life, and they place a high value on social relationships. They want to know what others think, and they use manipulative tactics to obtain this information.
With a narcissistic personality disorder, a person’s self-esteem is often dependent upon the opinions of others, and he believes that he is better than everyone else. If he feels that others are judging him, his self-esteem will be low. When a person suffers from this disorder, they can feel worthless and begin to isolate themselves, resorting to extreme measures to make themselves feel better. Narcissistic partners are masters at using guilt and victimization to keep their partners locked in fear.
A more common disorder of this type is social networking. People who are socially immature are great at social networks, and can participate effectively and contribute to the growth of others. People who suffer from social networking Personality Disorder tend to be less productive members of groups and develop an inflated sense of their importance. They believe that they are important to others and place a high value on themselves. When a person is suffering from this disorder, they usually isolate themselves from others and use other people and social networks to gain approval from others and to increase their sense of importance.
There is also a correlation between being lonely and narcissists. If you stay lonely in any given situation, it is almost guaranteed that you will seek out other people to share your experience. When a person spends most of their time seeking out others to share their experience with, they are exhibiting narcissistic characteristics. They view themselves as important and seek to control the opinions of others.
Self-esteem can be developed through a person’s actions and their mental state. The lack of self-esteem can be developed by consciously working to improve yourself. When a person is suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder, that person may have to deal with the emotional effects of their behavior on their friends, family, and co-workers. Narcissists do not like to be in any sort of interaction with others, because they feel as if they are always being scrutinized and their opinions are not really valuable. This causes a tremendous lack of self-esteem and causes that person to withdraw into themselves.