When it comes to assessing our own self-esteem, one of the biggest questions is whether or not we are truly a “good” person or simply self-centered? Those of us that have an inflated sense of our own importance will often say things such as “I’m the best there is or I’ve never had a better friend than myself.” Narcissistic personality disorders (NPD) and other personality disorders have very little to do with whether or not a person is a good person, and those of us suffering from such disorders should not be focused on how good we are. Instead we should be focusing on what kind of person we are and how we can improve our self-esteem and self-respect. Here are some answers to the question of how to measure self-esteem vs. narcissism.
In order to have self-esteem and self-respect, a person must feel that he or she is worthy of being treated with respect. Narcissistic people feel entitled to the things they desire in life, even if those things are things that other people deserve. It could also be said that these people have a vanity which allows them to believe that they are perfect beings. They would have you believe that they are superior to everyone else because they are bigger, smarter, and more experienced than the average person. When a person with narcissistic traits seeks out a person to love, he or she is seeking a partner who will treat him or her as though he or she were superior.
When comparing narcissists with self-respecting individuals, the focus should really be on improving one’s self-esteem. After all, self-esteem is not the absence of narcissism but rather the presence of a healthy narcissism. One has to work on building a positive image in order to build support systems in their relationships. It is possible to gain self-respect without enabling narcissism.
As it turns out, people with narcissism often do not feel like they lack self-worth. In fact, narcissism often leads to an inferiority complex because people perceive them to be superior to others. Narcissists can feel superior to and confident around people who have similar characteristics as themselves such as physical appearance, intelligence, social status, and financial resources. This may make people feel inferior around them, leading to feelings of low self-esteem.
The difference between the two is that while people like narcissists can benefit from the admiration, attention, and approval that comes from having a higher social status and financial status, they do not have the self-esteem to continue to develop these relationships. Because of this, they are not able to feel confident about their own self-image and have difficulty developing meaningful relationships. Those who do not have self-esteem do not feel capable of having these relationships or, if they do, they will not pursue them. People with high self-esteem also have the ability to pursue relationships but, due to a lack of social skills, will usually remain single.
When comparing self-esteem vs. narcissism, the results are quite clear. Those who have higher self-esteem are less likely to allow others to use them as a way to get ahead or to put them down. They do not take advantage of other people’s opportunities to advance themselves and instead take other people’s compliments with a grain of salt.
Narcissistic partners feel that they are entitled to people’s good opinions about them and use them as a way to control or manipulate their partners. Those who have high self-esteem are generally secure in who they are, and do not allow others to put them down. They also have high self-confidence and are rarely threatened by others. They also do not criticize others as they do not believe in self-judgment. Those who do not have high self-esteem are likely to feel insecure in their own skin, and will try to please others through manipulative ways.
When comparing self-esteem and narcissism in a relationship, it can be easy to say that the latter is a problem. However, one must remember that narcissists do not have many friends. They keep their partners to themselves, and are rarely the type of person who would ask people how they are or offer a shoulder to cry on. For those who do have low self-esteem but find themselves in a relationship with a narcissistic partner, it is important to recognize that help is available. There are support groups for those who have low self-esteem, and the relationship can be turned around for those with an optimistic outlook on life.