Self limiting beliefs creep up on us; sometimes they show themselves in subtle ways without us even being aware that they are there. Even when believe based beliefs all support us, sometimes a self limiting belief can suddenly rear its ugly head and completely halt in its tracks or cause things to feel more difficult than they really are. It is all too common for us to thrust our beliefs onto the back burner and pretend nothing is going wrong. We do not need to do this. Here are some self-limiting beliefs that we should get rid of:
I am not good enough: When you begin a new belief, whether it is about yourself or something else, you should quickly put it on the shelf and replace it with a more positive one. If this new belief is that you are not good enough, replace it with something like this: I am good enough/smart enough to/ deserve to be successful/lucky enough to have a new belief that says I am good enough. By replacing a negative belief with a positive one, you will give your self-empowering words and soon it will become ingrained into your mind. This is the first step towards empowering your own self.
My life does not measure up to others: If you have ever had self-limiting beliefs that say you do not measure up to others, change them. Why? Because you do. All of us have things we need to do and accomplish that other people simply cannot do or accomplish. Replace these limiting beliefs with this positive one that says I do matter and that I deserve what I want.
I am helpless and cannot do anything right: replace this self-limiting belief with this new belief: I am powerful and worthy of good things. By changing your beliefs from a belief that you are helpless to a belief that I can do anything, you will empower yourself. Now this does take some work on your part to re-believe in yourself. There are times when you may feel like giving up. Do not!
I am smart enough to make it in this world: You have probably had many self-limiting beliefs that say you are not smart enough to do the things you want to do in life. Replace these with this new belief: I am smart enough to do what must be done in order to be successful and good enough. These self-limiting beliefs that say you are not smart enough to do the things you want to do in life will no longer affect you.
I cannot deal with an overwhelming emotion: One of the most common self-limiting beliefs is the belief that I cannot handle an overwhelming emotion or situation. Maybe you have had a lot of failures in the past. Perhaps you have gotten a lot depressed and have had a lot of disappointments. You might even have a lot of anger and frustration as well. Replace these limiting beliefs with this new belief: I can deal with any situation or emotion that comes my way.
My life is over: Another of the self-limiting beliefs is the belief that I am not happy. You might have tried many things and failed at them. You may feel like there is no purpose in your life. Replace these beliefs with this new belief: I am happy with my life and I want to live it to the fullest.
I am a good person: Another of the self-limiting beliefs is that I am a bad person. You might have had a lot of bad things happen in your life, such as being fired from a job, having a broken marriage, experiencing abuse, being injured and etc. You might also think that it is bad of you to be rich or have nice clothes. Replace these thoughts with this one: I am a good person and I like to be wealthy or being comfortable. You will start to attract more good things into your life.