In business terms, the Growth Mindset refers to the ability to adapt the right skills and approach to achieving one’s goals. In many areas, this has been called “learning as you go,” since you can easily learn new skills and approach new problems by applying what you have learned in the past. In education, this is sometimes referred to as a growth mindset. In other areas, however, this term is often used to describe an attitude that encourages individuals to learn on their own, independently, and at their own pace. Also referred to as self-directed learning, this style of learning is often considered the “schoolhouse style” of learning.
In overall systems thinking and other perspective, a growth mindset is simply a set of ideas, approaches, or assumptions held by one or a group of individuals. Often referred to as the “ability to learn first” philosophy, it implies that individuals are capable of learning more before making a commitment or spending effort on learning. A more positive definition would be “spreading of credit.” A more positive attitude toward learning itself can often mean that individuals are less motivated to exert effort to learn new things but may instead feel motivated to praise when they do make progress.
Adults who possess the growth mindset are more likely to take risks, try new things, try harder, and be more constructive. Adults who do not possess it may also engage in some degree of self-sabotage. When adults lack the ability to praise themselves and when they are unable to see their efforts as significant, they will tend to lack motivation to make any improvement. As a result, they may do the same thing over again and get nowhere. However, when adults are aware that what they’re doing isn’t very impressive and when they learn to praise themselves for doing any effort at all, they will notice a positive difference in their lives.
Adults who lack the growth mindset have a tendency to focus on the fact that they did everything right and that there’s nothing wrong with them. Rather than focusing on what they failed to do or what they could have done differently, they tend to perceive their failures as a reflection on them as a person. They think that if they face challenges or failures, that they are bad people, that they’re weak, that they haven’t learned to face challenges, etc. This is problematic, because it prevents them from viewing their setbacks as opportunities to grow.
Growth Mindset One way to help people who lack this growth mindset recognize their mistakes and imperfections is to allow them to share their “mistakes” with others. For instance, when adults make a mistake, they may choose to focus on their good qualities rather than on the negative aspects of their actions. For instance, they may attribute a positive attitude to themselves rather than the circumstances that led to their inability to complete a project. If you have a child who is having trouble with completing a project, instead of pointing out the reasons why they didn’t get it done, ask them how they feel about it when they look at it now. By doing this, you allow them to be able to attribute a particular reason for their inability rather than pointing out their own personal shortcomings.
Two Mindets To Create Growth You also need to have both a growth mindset and a problem-solving mindset in order to make big, lasting changes in your kids’ lives. Many parents fall into the trap of believing that they can teach their kids how to do whatever it is they want to do without having to exert any effort on their behalf. Children thrive when they see their parents exert effort in behalf of them. To create meaningful change in your kids, you have to engage them in the process of learning new skills, identifying obstacles, choosing an appropriate goal, communicating with your children, and working towards a common outcome.
Praise When your kids view their efforts as rewards, they’ll be encouraged to continue to strive for greater achievement. In addition, if your praise turns into gratitude, your kids will view their attempts to overcome challenges as proof that they are capable of doing whatever it is they wish to do. This growth mindset works best when your instructions are laid out in steps rather than in one, single step. For example, if your child is having a hard time cleaning his room because he needs help, offer him praise when he successfully completes each room chore. Your praise will reinforce his confidence and encourage him to continue with his diligent efforts.
Intelligence While this may seem like a difficult concept to define, it is necessary to remember that personality traits are influenced by intelligence. Therefore, it stands to reason that if your kids lack intelligence, they may not possess a growth mindset. That said, you can still take some measures to ensure your child retains his basic qualities. Encourage your kids to read, attend school, and take part in extracurricular activities. When you combine these three components with intelligence, you provide your child with an environment that fosters growth.