What are Self-Esteem and How it Affects Your Well-Being?

What is self-esteem? It is the ability to measure one’s own worth, or “self-worth.” It is the ability to determine one’s worthiness, or ability to be successful. The concept of self-worth dates back to the first two thousand years of human history. It is rooted in both biological and social science. In recent years, many people have been questioning its validity.

“What is self-esteem?” is a question asked by most everyone sometime in their lives. The concept of self-image or self-worth is the way to put a value on your own image or worth to yourself in comparison to others. It is how you see and evaluate your own ability and willingness to succeed, as opposed to others. It is how you evaluate your own behaviors and personality traits. It is how you evaluate your interactions with others and how they view you.

A person with a high self-image, or high self-worth, has high confidence levels. They often have a positive attitude, a healthy ego, and they do not worry that they will ever be unsuccessful. People with a low self-image are negative, tense, anxious, and are constantly thinking about how they look and what they need to do to improve. People with a low self-image believe that they are worthless, ugly, foolish, or that their lives are unlucky, and they also do not have confidence in their abilities or capabilities.

One of the biggest reasons that some people have a low self-image or low self-esteem is the result of poor self-conception. A person with a high self-image believes that he or she is special, has unique qualities, an inner that is attractive, and can be successful. In contrast, a person with a low self-image believes that she is worthless, ugly, insecure, and is not special. A high self-esteem and a low self-image are related because the beliefs that you hold about yourself are affecting your behavior and the way you relate to others.

Self-affirmation and self-concept are critical to increasing your self-confidence. Positive messages about your capabilities will help us believe that we have the potential to become whatever we want. These messages will also help us to feel good about ourselves, to build our self-confidence, and to make us more assertive with others and with ourselves. If you reject the negative messages that others tell you about yourself and the way you look, you will be rejected by others, too.

Our self-image is also affected by our self-confidence. If we have a very low self-image, then our confidence may be impacted. We could see that there is a blind area where we cannot see what our true strengths and weaknesses are. By strengthening our self-image and self-confidence, we will have more confidence in ourselves and our ability to handle the unknown areas where we may not feel competent. Our self-image and self-confidence will be much higher if we believe that we have the ability to do the things that we want to do, that we have the potential to succeed, and that we have the gifts to give.

The third area where self-esteem and self-confidence are related is in the area of self-compassion. People who are able to feel their worth as individuals and with everyone else in the world greatly improve their self-esteem and their self-confidence. They also have a healthy sense of self-confidence. When they have a healthy sense of self-compassion, they are more likely to take on the challenges of life with a positive outlook.

A person who has a high self-respect and a high self-image has high self-confidence as well. People like this are always looking to make amends for previous wrongdoings, positive characteristics, or just being who they are. A person with high self-esteem also looks at life with a healthy sense of self-compassion. The two go hand-in-hand. Your well-being can only benefit from having high self-esteem and a high self-confidence level.