What is self-esteem? In its simplest form, self-esteem is a person’s subjective assessment of his or her worth as an individual. It differs from confidence, which is a more objective assessment. Self-esteem covers various attitudes about oneself and one’s abilities, including self-confidence, self-respect, self-direction, and self-direction.
Self-confidence can be earned through consistent self-talk, positive self-talk, and a positive perspective about yourself and your abilities. Positive self-talk and positive self-contemplation are just two ways to increase your self-confidence. You don’t have to convince yourself that you’re perfect to feel good about yourself. Just spend time thinking positively about yourself, particularly about your strengths and weaknesses, and how much you like who you are.
In order to increase self-esteem, a person must also develop self-confidence and self-direction. The ability to make choices that meet certain criteria is what leads to self-confidence and self-direction. Those with low self-esteem or low self-confidence are limited in their capacity for self-direction, because they do not believe in or trust their own ability to direct the course of events. Conversely, a person with high self-esteem believes that he has the capacity to influence events. Thus, self-confidence and self-direction are closely related.
Self-confidence and self-direction are related to a person’s capacity for self-image, or how he perceives himself. A person with a low self-image believes that he lacks the ability to do a particular task, whereas a person with high self-confidence and self-image believes that he is capable of doing it. When a person believes that he is capable of doing something, he takes the initiative to do it and he does it confidently. He feels like he has the capacity to do something, and he does it. This is related to the concept of self-efficacy, which is the ability to do something.
Self-confidence and self-image are also related to another concept, which is also called the unknown area. When you know what is an unknown area, it doesn’t make it mysterious. It just becomes plain common sense. Confidence and self-image are related because when a person knows his capability to do something, he feels confident about being able to do it. In addition, when he thinks that he is capable of doing it, this belief strengthens his willingness to do it. This is what is called the blind area of self-discipline.
The next related concept is the positive self-talk. A person with high self-image and high self-confidence is a very strong believer in his capabilities. He is not likely to criticize himself or belittle himself in any way. If he has developed good positive self-talk, he is more likely to treat himself well in spite of having the desire to dominate in certain human relations.
Now we need to understand that there are two types of people in this world. There are the people who are aware of what is in the blind area of self-discipline and they take full advantage of it while the other type of person does not pay much attention to it and think that it is just a natural phenomenon. Such kind of person believes that what other people see is what he sees. He believes that others know what he does and does not know what he does. Such type of person needs to constantly convince himself about the goodness of his actions by convincing himself that he does not do what others see, but what he thinks and wants to do.
So the next time that you are having a conversation with somebody ask him what is self-esteem. You can get an instant answer about your own self-worth from him. If he responds by hesitating for a moment and he still refrains from giving an answer then it means that he does not know what is self-esteem even though he tries to deny that it exists. The next time when he is available to ask him why he is still preoccupied with answering questions about something that is assumed by everybody. You will receive another answer that this person does not attach importance to self-worth.