The word assertiveness has its roots in the middle ages and goes back to the Roman era. The word today is derived from the Latin root – cause, to assert. The quality of assertiveness is the ability to be confident and self-assured without being overly aggressive. In the world of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy, it’s a useful skill to have as a mode of expression and a learning skill.
As people age, they tend to use less assertiveness in their interactions with others. This can take many forms. Some elderly individuals become shy and may try to avoid situations where they might need to express their opinions or feelings. Others have a hard time accepting help from others and are more likely to be aggressive in resolving conflicts. While there are many causes for this pattern of behavior, there is one underlying cause that can result in older adults behaving inappropriately – feelings of depression and stress.
One common sign of depression or stress is the inability to make eye contact. Individuals who are unable to make eye contact are more likely to be assertive in their behavior. When they do approach another individual, however, their confidence level can often get the better of them and they might start to say things like, “You know” or “You’re right”. Instead of, “I” or “We” say things like, “It’s not you or me, it’s me” or “You’re just being shy”.
By learning more assertiveness skills in your interpersonal interactions, you can gain a better understanding of how others communicate with each other. You can then use your learned understanding to improve your own communication skills. Assertiveness doesn’t mean you push other people down. It simply means you use your body language and nonverbal communication skills to show that you are a confident and assertive person in your interactions. Learning how to put your body language and non-verbal communication skills to good use can go a long way towards improving your interactions with others.
The concept of assertiveness was introduced in the context of dealing with behavior issues, such as assertiveness when interacting with peers, superiors and colleagues. Today, the concept is used to help individuals in all types of relationships and behaviours. When learning how to be assertive in a relationship, you are showing how you are able to meet your own needs in a non aggression manner. Learning how to deal with aggression on several levels, you will learn how to meet your needs in different, less aggressive ways.
The benefits that come from learning assertiveness are many. You’ll be able to better communicate with others, you will become calmer, and you will build up your self-control. Building up your self-control can help you avoid arguments or acting in a harsh manner. Being assertive helps you keep control of your own feelings and behaviour. It can make you more assertive with people you do not like, and it can also help you build up your confidence levels so you don’t feel as though you’re being bullied. Learn how to effectively use your assertiveness in every situation and you will start to see real progress.