Self-limiting beliefs are usually the result of being a child in our society. If you grew up in a home where your parents didn’t talk to you, where there were authority figures who took advantage of you and where there was very little freedom of expression or free thinking, you might hold yourself back. The results of growing up in such a sheltered environment can be very damaging to you. Once you have grown up to have these self-limiting beliefs, how do you get rid of them?
I. Recognize Them. You have to keep in mind that these limiting beliefs are not right. They are simply opinions that you learned as a child. To help you gain a more open mind, you need to examine the beliefs that you hold about yourself. Look at the evidence for them, too.
II. Choose To Believe That You Are unworthy. If you believe that you are unworthy, it will be difficult for you to let go of the notion that you are not worthy to be successful in life.
III. Reframes Your Self Beliefs. Many self-limiting beliefs are related to how you see yourself. Perhaps your self-image is that of a dependent person with low self esteem. In order to change your self-limiting beliefs, you have to take a look at your own self image and compare it to the image you believe about yourself.
IV. Find Success Through Others. Low self esteem, along with other self limiting beliefs, often stem from an inability to rely on others. When you depend on others, you are placing a great deal of trust in them. Rather than doing that, you may prefer to depend on yourself.
V. Develop Self Talk. Your self-talk is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. If you speak to yourself from a place of self-love and gratitude, you can create a more positive self talk. This can have a powerful impact on your own sense of self worth and your ability to attract the things you want. Self-talk can also lead to success. It is important, however, to keep in mind that the self-talk you choose to speak is ultimately a reflection of your beliefs about yourself and those around you.
VI. Take a Break. Too often, people engage in self-talk when they are unsure or facing a challenge, when their self-confidence has been lowered, or when they are afraid of making a mistake or of disappointing someone. When you take a break from your self-talk, you free your mind to think of other things. When you don’t engage in your self-talk, you become more stable and your thought process becomes more clear.
VII. Seek Constant Learning. To stay successful, you need to be open to learning and new ideas, and you need to take steps to ensure that you are developing and improving yourself in areas where you need improvement.
VIII. Don’t Believe Yourself Solely In Yourself. One of the self-sabotaging habits that you should break is to think only of yourself. People are much less likely to succeed or even to make a living when they only believe of themselves. If you only believe of yourself, you are limiting your success potential.
IX. Make Sure You Believe That Others Can Have Success As Well. Many people put so much emphasis on themselves that they limit their potential for success by only believing that they can. If you are one of these individuals, you need to make sure you don’t spend your energy or resources on what you cannot achieve. In order to increase your success, you need to spread your success all over rather than focusing on what you can do.
X. Accept The Fact That You Can’t Do It All Of The Time. Everyone has an off day. Everyone goes through rough patches. The important thing to remember is that you are human and in order to be successful, you have to learn to embrace and believe that there will be times when you cannot achieve your goals.