Self Limiting Beliefs – How to Remove Them and Get on the Right Path to Success

A belief that is self-limiting is one that limits the possibilities for your true potential and happiness. If you consistently think these limiting thoughts then they become a part of you and have a profound impact on the way you live your life. The following are ten self-limiting beliefs that need to be dispelled from your mind and identified as such.

The first self limiting beliefs are that you are not good enough, not pretty enough or thin enough. You may be told by society that you are not worth anything and that no one will take care of you. This can have a profound effect on your level of happiness. A new belief would be that you are beautiful and worth taking care of. You deserve to feel this way and by adopting a new belief you will be on your way to a more fulfilled and meaningful life.

The second self-limiting beliefs are that you are too young or too old to make important decisions. Society tells us that we are young and we should therefore settle for what we have got or get out there and start working for ourselves. If we adopt this belief we will not go far. There are people who have been dead set on the idea of working until they are seventy-five or eight. Society dictates that people have to settle for less than what they really want and this is why so many people end up being unhappy. An alternative new belief to this would be that you are never too young or too old to make important decisions.

The third self-limiting beliefs is that you are worthless and cannot have any happiness. People often use this emotion when they are depressed or sad. This is a destructive and unhelpful emotion and it will not help you find a solution to anything. You must learn to believe that you are valuable and worthy of happiness. Once you have this feeling in your heart, you will be surprised at how happy you can be.

The fourth self-limiting beliefs is that you are not a good enough person. Everyone is better than everyone else but you should try to make yourself better. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of how a person should act, think and feel. It is not a good enough thing to have someone tell you that you are not a good enough person to do something.

Your final self-limiting beliefs are that you are too stupid, educated or too rich to try to do anything by yourself. You should not rely on someone else to do anything because you are not smart enough, educated enough or rich enough to do it. You have achieved the potential to become whatever you wish but you need to believe that you can do it.

You must believe that you have the ability to change whatever it is that you believe about yourself. Self limiting beliefs such as these are very hard to remove. You will find that changing your beliefs is not always an easy thing to do but it will be worth it in the end. You will feel empowered when you realize just how different ways of thinking are for you.

You might think that just by making yourself happy you are going to have an easy time of it. You might even have convinced yourself that you are not good enough, educated enough or rich enough to be able to achieve things on your own. However, the truth is that self-limiting beliefs such as these are only hindrances you have set for yourself. If you want to be happy then you are going to have to eliminate them. You will need to take action and do whatever it takes no matter how hard it is to feel like it. This is the only way to move forward with your life in a positive direction.