The importance of assertiveness is on display in many different businesses and industries. We live in a time when people expect to receive immediate results and if you aren’t delivering, then you are in danger of being passed over. The importance of assertiveness can also be seen in politics, where leaders often communicate their message with an assertive stance. This ensures that they have something tangible to cling to and it makes them appear decisive and powerful.
The importance of assertiveness is also felt in sporting events. In competitions such as track and field, winning and losing is rarely about sheer luck, and this is because the team or racer has worked hard to get to that final measurement. There are so many other factors, from nutrition to training, that help make a long and difficult competition into a simple event, but if you are not communicating your message with an assertive stance, you are losing out.
The importance of assertiveness can also be seen in many aspects of life. A confident person knows that they are important, and that they have the capability to influence people and achieve their goals. This confidence acts as a magnet, attracting the attention of others and encouraging cooperation. When a person is not confident, they become tense and uncomfortable, and they don’t find it easy to express themselves and communicate their needs. By contrast, a confident and assertive person is able to communicate their opinions and feelings clearly, while also conveying the intended message in a clear and concise manner.
Another key characteristic of an assertive individual is self-confidence. Being confident in oneself enables individuals to be confident in others. When an individual is not confident in their own abilities, they tend to shut down and be submissive. On the other hand, when they are self-assured, they will have high self-esteem and be able to display assertive behavior. When you communicate your feelings and thoughts without inhibition, you are more likely to come across as assertive and more capable than someone who is afraid to express their opinions or feel insecure about their capabilities.
The last key quality to consider when assessing whether or not you possess the necessary traits for assertiveness is empathy. Esteem is important because it allows you to be compassionate, which is necessary if you expect to be successful in applying your assertive skills in the workplace. In addition, empathy makes a person more responsive to the needs and feelings of others and helps them make the right choices. By helping others, you are helping yourself in turn. The importance of assertiveness is easily illustrated by the famous quote by Descartes, “I think therefore I Am,” which he said was his ultimate proof that self-esteem and empathy are two important traits that must be present in an individual for them to become successful.
The importance of assertiveness doesn’t just stem from its ability to help you be more productive in your work environment; it also has a strong correlation with your personality. Individuals who score high in assertiveness tend to be perceived as more confident, and are more likely to climb the corporate ladder and be promoted. Additionally, men with high levels of non asserted behavior are perceived as less attractive to females, which is another correlation with career success. The important thing to keep in mind is that the correlation between assertiveness and personality is very strong. Thus, if you truly want to be successful, then the best way to get there is to take the time to become more self-assured, and learn how to control your responses so that you are only ever perceived as assertive when you need to be, and never when you’re not.