What affects self-esteem is often a hard question to answer because everyone has different standards of what is good or bad. Some people have a very high self-esteem and believe that they are perfect, while other people have a low self-esteem and are not comfortable with their own image. The thing that affects self-esteem most is the perception of a lack of, or a person’s lack of belief in their own abilities. A person who thinks he or she is worthless is likely to feel bad about themselves, even if they don’t have low self-esteem. This negativity then will cause the person’s self-esteem to drop even lower.
If you were asked what effects low self-esteem, the first thing that would come to mind is that it must be caused by some experience in your childhood. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, a lot of the time it is actually a lack of self-love and self-respect that is the culprit. If you were constantly belittled and never really love yourself, you are unlikely to develop a low self-esteem.
Many people are unaware that they use negative self-talk, when they should be trying to get better. Everyone learns positive self-talk as children, but when you start telling yourself that you are not good enough, or that you can’t do something, you may not hear the constructive parts of your thought process. It is like a broken record that keeps repeating itself. As a child, you are told that you can do these things, so you try them out and you get discouraged when you don’t do them right. Your positive self-talk replaces those messages with more negativity, which does you no good.
What affects self-esteem in adults is often toxic relationships. Toxic relationships make you feel like you don’t matter, that you are unworthy, that you are bad, or that you will never have any kind of success. If your parents or other loved ones raised you to think these things, they taught you to be toxic. Now you are an adult and you need to learn to go back to how you were parented and change the toxic messages with more positive ones. You can get a better understanding of how self-esteem impacts if you look at successful adults with high self-esteem, such as Oprah Winfrey and Donald Trump.
If what affects self-esteem in adulthood is a history of low self-esteem and an avoidance of taking personal responsibility for your own actions, you will most likely not feel empowered. Individuals with high self-esteem are those who take responsibility for their lives and learn to rely on themselves for help and solutions. You must first accept that you have an issue that needs to be resolved before you can do anything about it. Then you must decide to tackle your fears and deal with them.
One interesting area that has been explored with respect to the meaning of self-esteem is the mature principle. The mature principle basically states that people get older and change over the course of their lives. There is a reason for this and one reason that you should examine your reasons for being so ego-centric right now. If you feel your reasons for doing whatever you want are based on your own needs and feelings and not based on what society expects of you, then you are very limited by your ability to be successful in life.
The new research from the University of Glasgow suggests that the way you analyze yourself can actually change your perception of others and of yourself. In general, people’s perceptions of others are very specific and grounded in reality. However, individuals who have a high degree of overall self-esteem and control over their emotions and behavior tend to view the world in much more broad terms, which allows them to better evaluate the situations that they find themselves in.
This broader perspective also leads to a better understanding of what affects self-esteem and how it relates to your emotional and behavior control. For example, if you believe that your physical appearance has a major impact on your success or failure, then you are likely to be defensive when you are not attractive as you believe other people will see you. In the same way, if you believe that certain behaviors have a significant impact on whether you get ahead or not, then you are likely to be defensive when you do not live according to those behaviors. In both cases, if you are unable to modify your behavior to conform with these beliefs, your overall self-esteem and self-control are likely to be lower.