Many of us have asked ourselves what is self-esteem; the answer may not be clear. It can be defined as a high level of self-worth that is associated with an inner feeling of confidence and worthiness. A person with a very high level of self-esteem has a positive self-image and takes pride in their appearance. Their relationships with other people are smooth, enjoyable and harmonious. They have a high level of their life and the confidence to achieve what they set out to do.
A person with a low level of self-esteem tends to view themselves in a negative light and are usually self-critical and tend to put themselves down to little things. They will usually let other people take credit for their good traits and bad traits. They also have a low opinion of themselves and have a negative view of other people. They also lack confidence and often say negative things about themselves. They are not happy with who they are as a person and feel that they could be better.
Self-esteem is a vital part of the personality and is also influenced by many outside forces such as the environment we grow up in and our parents and early childhood experiences. It is important that we get ourselves into a positive frame of mind and learn to be more comfortable with ourselves. If we were to do this on a daily basis, we would slowly start to build our self-esteem. As we begin to feel better about ourselves we will also feel better about the world around us.
The problem many of us run into when trying to improve our self-esteem is that we sometimes mistake self-talk for logic. We are told by our parents, family and peers that we are worthless, unintelligent, stupid, fat, undesirable and so forth. These statements can have a profound effect on our self-image and self-confidence. They also have the effect of making us think we don’t have the right to be proud of ourselves. If we listen to these judgments, we feel unworthy and our self-esteem diminish.
However, the truth is that our self-esteem is a construct of the things we believe about ourselves. In order to increase our level of self-esteem, it is necessary to start accepting who we are and being proud of who we are. This can only come through constant affirmations and viewing life the way God intended it to be viewed. Only by doing this can we expect to gain a positive view of ourselves and move from the self-defeating beliefs we have to the positive ones.
This does not mean that someone has to put themselves down to make us feel better. It also doesn’t mean that a person has to put someone else down in order to boost their own self-esteem. Instead, if a person wants to boost their self-esteem they need to take an honest look at how they see themselves. They need to acknowledge their faults but also take a positive view of themselves. If a person does this they will also discover hidden strengths and more reasons for pursuing the things they want in life.
When a person makes a decision to change the way they think about themselves, they will also begin to change the way they behave. By changing their negative thoughts to positive they will find new ways to attract positive results. By doing this, their self-esteem will also grow and they will feel more confident.
By changing their self-talk to positive words, affirmations and positive images a person will find new reasons for trying to accomplish their goals. They will become more eager than ever to put in the time it takes to reach their goals. As their self-esteem grows, they will find a new reason to keep trying. They will also meet new people and develop lasting bonds that will help them through the difficult times ahead. Changing the way we think, talk and behave has never been easier with self-esteem enhancement products.