According to business management theory, the Growth Mindset principle is the opposite of the Growth Hapse principle. In general systems thinking and goal-setting, a growth mindset is simply a set of preconceived ideas, methods, or practices held by one or a group of individuals. Also, in decision making and goal-setting, a growth mindset is often associated with creativity. However, a growth mindset can also be found in self-help, spiritual, and other personal philosophies of life.
The Growth Mindset is the opposite of the Growth Hapse principle. When we learn new things we do not consider what we already know. Instead, we think about the new task or goal that we are trying to complete. This is the Growth Mindset principle at work. We don’t stop and think about what we already know, we just try to add to our knowledge base by learning something new.
The second concept is the opposite of the first, the second mindset is the ability-praised kids competing against the less able kids in every contest for power and status. The second mindset is the mindset of the smart kid trying to be the smartest kid in the room, even if they have to act like a dumb kid to do so. Both of these mindsets oppose the Growth Mindset, and they are absolutely necessary if you want to master new information and improve your skills at work.
How do you acquire both of these mindsets? Well, they are not hard to acquire, but it takes consistent effort over time. Without consistent effort, an individual will soon begin to believe that any new things they try to accomplish are beneath their capacities and they will be constantly searching for ways to prove that they are smarter or more intelligent than everyone else. This is an extremely dangerous scenario for an individual because their self-image and ego are based upon this belief. A person with a growth mindset, however, does not focus on the fact that they are actually much less intelligent than everyone else, they simply recognize that some things are beyond their abilities and that they can’t do them and won’t let the fact that they cannot do those things hold them back from achieving their goals.
If you ask most people what they believe to be intelligence, you are likely to hear a lot of different responses. Many believe that intellectual capacity is something that only those with a high IQ can acquire and develop. While it’s true there are some individuals who possess extremely high IQ’s, and while it’s possible to acquire those talents, it’s also true that the amount of effort required to develop those talents and maintain those talents (over a long period of time) is immense. Most individuals, however, don’t possess the intelligence required to pursue the growth mindset, instead they focus on the fact that they have fixed intellectual capabilities and they are stuck trying to make those capabilities grow.
In regards to the question of intelligence, those who possess a growth mindset approach the issue differently. Instead of viewing intelligence as something that one has to work towards, rather they view it as something that one is born with and that one develops over time. With this attitude, the goal is to maximize the potential of that potential. It’s important, however, that we understand that while growth is good, hard work is even better.
It’s important that we understand that most people make very few mistakes throughout their lives and yet manage to get better throughout their life’s journey. The reason for this discrepancy between how people perceive their mistakes actually being made is rooted in their growth-mindset. Because of their growth-mindset, people are usually convinced that the more they get better, the more their mistakes will stop occurring. Because of this, most people with a growth-mindset will often times believe that if they continue to make mistakes, then it means that they’re not improving. Conversely, those who do not possess a growth-mindset are convinced that by consistently making mistakes, it means that they are making improvements in their life and career.
Growth-mindset dichotomies have a profound impact on the way we view the world around us and how we perceive ourselves. Those who live in a growth mindset are able to see opportunities everywhere because they’ve opened their eyes. Whereas, those who don’t possess such perspectives fail to see opportunities because their mindsets prevent them from seeing them. This is why it is so imperative that one understands his/her mindset and get rid of the misconceptions that may be forming in his/her mind. Once this is achieved, one will be able to create meaningful change in his/her life/career and gain the happiness he/she truly deserves.